1. write a haiku, acrostic, diamante, or any other kind of poem, post it on your blog when done and give me a comment with the link (on this post). On the post title write:
Lulu's Poem Contest Poem
Thank you!! Have fun writing your poems. Whoever wins gets a prize.
This is the end of May....
Sorry for such a short post!
AG Place Pics... Continued!

My sister, Becca, and Me. Can you believe it costed $6.00 for each of us to go on a 60-second ride???? EIGHTEEN DOLLARS. Wait a minute. No worries, it was awesomely fun.

We drove four hrs. to Minneapolis. What a big city! Well, not really but it was big compared to what I'm used to. The Mall is sorta easy to find since it's the biggest mall in the world. Oh my goodness. We got there and I was like oh my goodness how do I describe it. I was happy, to make that short. We got there and saw the store right by the amusement park. We got in there and started going to the places where our dolls had their clothes and stuff. We spent awhile deciding which clothing to get, what to buy, etc. the Bistro is very elegant. You can get little teeny weeny cups for your dolls and the waitresses fill them with Pink Lemonade!! Plus your doll gets a chair that clips on the table. So cool. After that we chattered and decided we wanted to go on a ride. We looked around and quickly decided to ride on the Spongebob whatever-it's-called. So we get on, my heart beating (I'd never been on an upside down ride before!!) and wanting to scream. But to save my reputation I decided I wouldn't. The person started her up, and we shot straight, literally STRAIGHT up in the air and STRAIGHT down. When we went straight down I screamed. I didn't care about my reputation then! I don't think anyone cared. :) It was about 60 seconds long of going like upside-down. Oh, and when we got in our seats, I determined I was going to close my eyes the whole ride. That didn't go over well and I opened them as soon as we got going. After we had our mall experience our parents decided we'd go to Ikea, a very large furniture/home decor store. It was actually pretty fun! We got home by nine. I crashed as soon as I hit the pillow!!!!

I have another prayer request. Please pray that me, my sister, my mom, my friend, and her mom will have a safe trip to Minneapolis!!! :) ~thanks~, oh, and when I'm done with the trip, I'll post pictures!
We are going to the American Girl place!! It's in the Mall of America in Minneapolis. Minneapolis is about 4 hrs. from here. I love long car trips!!!! :P :-) I am bringing my doll, Felicity Merriman. She is a colonial girl. I'm sure most of you are familiar with American Girl dolls??? Go to americangirl's website! It's cool!
What's been goin' on with you guys??? Are any one of you done with school for the year? Post to you later!
Prayer Request
A Big Happy Family
Written By:
Laney M. Solhjem
Introducing the Guildmans
BEFORE I start I know by experience you’ll ask:
“Who would want to have sixteen children?”
“What were their names?”
“Were they mostly twins?”
“What are their ages?”
So I’ll give you answers. People like to have children. Some people do NOT like to have sixteen. Here are the names of these children.
Clarinda (25)
Shantel (engaged to Mason Lund) (23)
Luke (21)
Kathryn (18)
Jacob (15)
Anna Beth (13)
Sadie (11) has a birthday in book
Daniel (9)
Pixie and Trixie (twins) (7)
Evelyn (6)
Naomi (5)
Isaac (3)
And yes, they DID have two sets of twins, and a lot of girls, too! You might ask why the title is ‘Living in a Home with a Family of 19’ while there are only sixteen shown on the list. Mom was pregnant with a girl they were going to name Amanda Lynn. Their last name was Guildman. They were all home schooled. I guess you can tell, by looking at this whole chapter, that there’s not any action because I’m just telling you about them!
Life at the Guildmans
“Pixie, what do you want to play?” asked Anna Beth.
“Let Trixie decide.” Pixie and Trixie were always playing together.
“What about we play hide and seek?” Trixie remarked.
So they all played hide and seek.
“Ready or not, here I come!” called Sadie. Everyone remained quiet but Pixie and Trixie who couldn’t resist giggling. Sadie still couldn’t find them! She found
Mason first.
“Mason, I see you!” Mason got out of his hiding place, behind the rose bush.
“Anna Beth, I heard you sneeze! I could recognize your sneeze anywhere.” Sadie giggled. Anna Beth laughed so hard Sadie marched right up to her and looked right at her face.
They played hide and seek for a little while more, and then they all decided to go inside because Anna Beth had to go to play practice and Pixie thought it wasn’t very fun playing without Anna Beth. Everyone else agreed.
“I’m going to ask Luke if he wants to help me finish carving my boat.” Daniel ran up the flight of stairs. “Luke, would you help me finish my boat?”
“Sure, Daniel.” Luke and Daniel finished the boat. Daniel was carving the boat with the carving knife Matthew Jr. got him for his birthday, and since he was finished, he decided to enter it at the State Fair. I’m sort of taking you around to different kids, aren’t I?
“Of course, Mom.”
“Shantel, I need help on my piano piece.”
“I’ll help.” Shantel walked up to
“What’s this note?”
“Oh, that’s G #.” Shantel smiled.
“Thanks, Shantel.”
“That’s fine!”
Shantel walked back to her knitting.
“Shantel, can you help me with my shoelaces?” asked Pixie for the fourth time that hour.
“Why not?” Shantel laughed and tied Pixie’s shoe.
Shantel again walked back to her knitting;
As this was going on:
“Shantel, can you make lunch?” asked Trixie.
“I’ll make it, Trix. Shantel is busy.” Jacob replied. “What should we have?”
“What about macaroni and cheese with peas?” Trixie requested her favorite food.
“Sure.” Jacob swiftly walked into the kitchen. Soon the food was done.
“Trixie, please call for everyone since it’s time for lunch.” Shantel smiled sweetly.
“Jacob made it!” Trixie exclaimed. “And boy is it good!”
Jacob smiled. “Thanks.”
After they were finished Mom and Anna Beth came home.
“Hello, Anna Beth! How was your play practice?” asked
“It was fine.” Anna Beth smiled.
“What did you have to eat?” asked Pixie.
Anna Beth smiled. “We went to McDonald’s, so you didn’t miss out on anything fancy. What did you have?”
“We had macaroni and cheese with peas. Jacob prepared it.” Sadie announced excitedly.
“Wow, you made lunch?” Mom asked surprisingly.
“Yeah. Trixie asked Clarinda but Clarinda was busy.” Jacob nodded.
“That was nice of you.” Mom smiled.
Jacob walked up to the room that he, Mason, Luke, and Mason shared.
“Anna Beth, when Luke your performance be?” asked Shantel.
“Well, I think the director said it would be September 20th-21st. I am excited. I am glad I don’t have the main part, though.”
“Why?” asked Kathryn.
“I think I would get stage fright,” she answered.
“Oh.” Kathryn sipped a cup of tea. “Mom, when Luke Dad get home?”
“I think he’ll be home around five-thirty.” Mom answered. “
“I’m in labor!” Mom looked down at her stomach. She dialed the number and Dad was soon there. They called the midwife and Amanda was born a few minutes after she came. Everyone was waiting in the living room. They were all very anxious. The little ones, Evelyn, Naomi, and Isaac were already in bed.
“Children, you have a sister.” Dad came out. Everyone ran in the room except for Kathryn, Elizabeth, Shantel, and Clarinda. They walked behind them.
“I want to hold her!” cried Trixie.
“Me too!” Sadie and Pixie echoed.
“Let’s all wait.”
“Welcome to our family, Amanda!” Sadie smiled lovingly at her.
“Mom, Luke we call her Amanda, Mandy, Manda, or Amanda Lynn?” asked Pixie.
“Anything that you want. I think I Luke call her Amanda Lynn.”
Everyone got to hold the baby and then the midwife checked over her.
“She looks like a healthy baby, Mrs. Guildman. I hope you have good luck with all these children.” Mrs. Bricks smiled.
“We Luke trust in God, not luck.” Trixie replied smartly.
“Trixie!” Clarinda scolded. “Be polite!”
“Sorry, Mrs. Bricks. You are a very good midwife!” Trixie can somehow magically turn her attitude around when she was scolded.
“That’s fine, honey.” Mrs. Bricks smiled.
Anna Beth was just about to say that what Trixie said wasn’t okay and that she should’ve said ‘I forgive you’, but she bit her lip. She smiled at Mrs. Bricks.
“I’ll stay for about another hour to make sure Amanda Lynn Luke be okay. Mrs. Guildman, you should rest. Perhaps your children should evacuate this room.” Mrs. Bricks advised.
“I think I’ll do that.” Mrs. Guildman agreed. “Children, you may hold Amanda Lynn later. Please go now. I love you!”
“We love you Mom!” said
“You are a very blessed family, Mr. and Mrs. Guildman. I have delivered all of your seventeen children and I see that a large family can turn out right. I thought it was ridiculous when you had your tenth! That was seven children ago.” Mrs. Bricks rattled on. “Oh, perhaps I should sit down and be quiet, Mrs. Guildman, you need your rest.”
The next day
“Sadie, please watch Naomi while I watch Isaac. Evelyn, please go make your bed. I noticed it didn’t get made this morning.” Shantel directed.
“Yes, Mom. I mean, yes Shantel!” Evelyn was used to saying ‘Yes Mom’.
“Shantel, when Luke Mom be rested?” asked Sadie.
“I don’t know, Sadie. Probably by tomorrow but who knows? Elizabeth Luke act as Mom for a while.” Shantel smiled.
“Okay.” Sadie sighed. “What if she never gets better?”
“Sadie! Don’t say such things. Why did you say ‘gets better’? She’s just resting, honey.” Shantel remarked.
“All right.” Sadie finally found Naomi and did puzzles with her. “Naomi, should we do the kitty puzzle or the fishy puzzle?”
“Da kitty puzzewe.” Naomi uttered.
“Okay.” They did puzzles for about fifteen minutes and then Naomi was bored. “Sadie, can we make cookies? Pweease?” Naomi pleaded.
“Naomi, I’ll ask
“I guess that would be alright, we won’t be making any meals yet.”
“Naomi, we may!” Sadie and Naomi traveled into the kitchen to find a chocolate chip cookie recipe.
“Sadie, can I get out some ingwedients?” Naomi smiled sweetly.
“Sure!” Sadie told Naomi what ‘ingwedients’ to get out. They made cookies and soon everyone was gathered in the kitchen to eat them.
“Pixie, would you like to bring Mom two cookies?” asked Kathryn.
“Sure!” Pixie smiled happily.
“Pix, can I go along?” asked Trixie.
“Of course you may!” The twins skipped along to Mom’s bedroom.
“Mom, we brought you some cookies! Sadie and Naomi made them.” Trixie placed the cookies onto Mom’s lap.
“Thank you! Tell Sadie and Naomi they did a wonderful job.” Mom smiled appreciatively.
“I will, Mom.” Trixie looked at Amanda Lynn. “You are a precious little baby!”
Mom smiled. Trixie and Pixie skipped out of the room.
“Sadie and Naomi, Mom said to tell you that you did a great job on the cookies.” Pixie exclaimed.
“Thank you, Mom!” Sadie hollered through the house.
Mom smiled in her room.
“I don’t know. The only way I’d consider going is if Shantel, Clarinda or Kathryn stayed. I think that they’d all want to come with.”
“I’ll stay home with Mom if you guys want to go.” Shantel replied.
“That’s nice of you, Shantel!” smiled
“If Shantel’s not going, I won’t either.” Kathryn looked at Shantel.
“I’ll stay as well.” Luke said.
“Okay. I’ll take
“That’s fine Liz.” Shantel answered.
“Is there anything you guys need when I go?”
“We could use some more flour and sugar.” Kathryn said.
“Okay, it’s settled. Come on guys!”
The ten out of seventeen children walked out the door. The got in the large van and
“She needs you!” Pixie chimed in.
“I think she’ll be fine with Shantel and Clarinda taking care of her and Amanda.”
Everyone was quiet the rest of the way there except for Trixie and Pixie of course. When they got to town, they walked out of the van into Pick it Quick Grocery. While inside they were walking in a line in age order.
“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven!” exclaimed another shopper. “Are you all siblings?”
“Yes, and we have seven more at home.” Anna Beth answered.
“Oh my!” the unknown shopper hurried away.
“Want to know our names?” Pixie ran after the shopper.
“Well. That is about thirteen too much for me. Is your mother sick?” asked the shopper.
“No! My mother is very well. She’s still resting because of the baby being born yesterday.” Trixie put in.
“What about the ages?”
“Elizabeth is twenty-six, Shantel is twenty-five, Clarinda is twenty-three, Luke is twenty-one, Kathryn is eighteen, Lydia and Matthew Jr.are seventeen, Jacob is fifteen, Anna Beth is thirteen, Sadie is eleven, Daniel is nine, Trixie and I are seven, Evelyn is five, Naomi is three, Isaac is one, and Amanda Lynn is one day old! Mommy and Daddy are forty nine and fifty one.” Pixie managed to get all of her siblings’ ages right.
“Well what is your last name?”
“Guildman,” Mason answered.
“I know your mother! She used to be in the garden club when she only had one child.
“She was nice.”
They continued their shopping then went home.
Church and Dinner at the
“May the mind of Christ, my Savior….” The Guildmans were at church on Sunday. They were in the middle of worship then….
“The Lord has laid it on my heart to read to you from Acts 4:12. Salvation is found in no one else, there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” That verse is so meaningful…” and the Pastor Wick finished the service. He had children too, and Trixie and Pixie played with
“Guildman children, line up in age order!” called Dad.
They all got in age order and walked out the door. Dad liked to have things in an orderly fashion.
“Should we go out to eat? Or should we go to the
“Good. Mr. Lund invited us over.” Dad smiled. They drove to the Potter family’s house.
“Good afternoon, Mrs. Lund,” replied Elizabeth, Shantel, Clarinda, and Kathryn.
“Welcome! It’ll be just a little while until dinner. Evelyn, I’m sorry, but Josie is still napping. She should be up any minute now, though.” Mrs. Lund smiled.
They all walked in the door.
“Oh my, and I would like to see Amanda Lynn!” Mrs. Lund rushed over to Mrs. Guildman.
“Of course you may see her. And hold her, too.” Mrs. Guildman smiled.
“Oh, she looks exactly like Anna Beth did when she was a baby!” Mrs. Lund took Amanda in her arms.
The children were off finding their friends. Let me see, I’ll match them up in a list!
Elizabeth and Danielle
Clarinda and Fran
Shantel and Mason
Luke and Ryan
Kathryn and Louisa
Matthew Jr.and Fred
Jacob and Alex
Anna Beth and Kayla
Sadie and Kenzie
Daniel and Karl
Pixie and Trixie and Karie
Evelyn and Josie
Naomi and Emily
And Isaac and Amanda Lynn didn’t have any one because the Potters only had fifteen children. Amanda Lynn was only two days old anyways.
“Louisa, how are your piano lessons going?” asked Kathryn.
“Oh, they’re going okay. I have only five children in them, but that’s okay. I enjoy teaching too.” Louisa answered pleasantly.
“Okay. I was wondering if maybe Pixie could take lessons with you. She is very interested in playing an instrument. Trixie would get bored by it though, I think.” Kathryn replied.
“Certainly!” answered Louisa.
“How much does it cost each lesson?” Kathryn asked.
“Well, for first lessons I charge $5.30, but on lessons after that, about $7.50. Is that reasonable?”
“That sounds great! I’m going to talk to Pixie and Mom. While I go, I could get Amanda. Actually, every one else calls her Amanda Lynn, but I prefer Amanda.”
Louisa and Kathryn walked over to Mrs. Guildman.
“Mom, I was wondering if Pixie could take piano lessons from Louisa. It’s $5.30 for the first lesson, and $7.50 for lessons after that.” Kathryn asked Mrs. Guildman.
“I think that would be reasonable. Louisa, how often are the lessons?”
“Once per week.” Louisa answered Mrs. Guildman.
“I think that would be wonderful for Pixie.” Mrs. Guildman smiled. “Louisa, would you like to hold Amanda Lynn?”
“Certainly! Thank you.” Louisa took Amanda Lynn in her arms. “Oh, she’s so sweet!”
“Yup,” Kathryn smiled. Meanwhile……
“Kayla, how are you doing?” asked Anna Beth.
“I’m doing fine.” Kayla smiled.
“Do you think your mom would say it’s okay that you could come for a sleepover at my house if you wanted to?” asked Anna Beth excitedly.
“Maybe. I’ll ask her now.” Kayla walked off and found her mother.
“Mom, I was wondering if I could sleep over at Anna Beth’s. Mrs. Guildman, would that be okay with you?”
“I think it would be better if Anna Beth stayed with us, Kayla. I don’t think that Mrs. Guildman would want to add another child when she has seventeen and a new baby.” Mrs. Lund said.
“That would be fine if Anna Beth stayed here. Do you think maybe one more could stay?” asked Mrs. Guildman.
“Of course! Your children are so well behaved I could take two more.” Mrs. Lund exclaimed.
“So what about you take Anna Beth, Pixie, and Trixie. Would that be okay?” asked Mrs. Guildman.
“It would be good for Sadie but she’s going to Maggie’s house.” Mrs. Guildman smiled.
“Kayla, do you want to find Evelyn and Josie?” asked Anna Beth.
“Sure,” so they looked around for their little sisters.
“Evelyn, where are you?”
“Josie, come here!” Kayla called.
“I’m coming, Kayla!”
Evelyn and Josie walked over to their sisters.
“Evelyn, what are you two playing?” asked Anna Beth.
“We were playing house. Josie was the mama and I was the little girl.” Evelyn answered.
“You are a little girl, Evelyn!” laughed Anna Beth and Kayla.
“Ryan, are you getting your truck yet?” Luke asked Ryan if he was getting a pickup truck.
“Dad said next month. For now I drive Mason’s. Louisa is driving a little, too. She drives Danielle’s car. Fran doesn’t want one.” Ryan answered.
“So, Danielle, how are you doing?”
“I’m doing fine. How are your mom and the new baby doing?” asked Dani, Dani was Danielle’s nickname.
“Mom is still recovering, but she’s doing much better.”
The Guildmans and the Lunds ate, then the Guildmans all went home except for Anna Beth, Trixie, and Pixie.
A Lovely Wedding
It was a happy day, May 7th.
“OH, I am so nervous!” Shantel cried.
“Don’t worry, Shantel, it’ll be fine.” The Guildman girls were getting Shantel ready for her wedding to Mason Lund in two hours. Clarinda, Elizabeth,
“Don’t be nervous, Shantel!” Anna Beth smiled at her big sister.
“I’ll try.” Shantel took a deep breath. She knew she was excited.
They were putting her veil on. She was a very beautiful young lady!
It was finally time for the wedding. Clarinda, Elizabeth,
“Shantel, do you take this man Mason to be your lawfully wedded husband?” Pastor Wick asked.
“I do.” By this time Shantel wasn’t nervous anymore.
“Mason, do you take this woman Shantel to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do.” Mason smiled.
“I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Mason Lund. You may kiss the bride.” Pastor Wick knew the Guildmans well and smiled. Mason kissed Shantel. Shantel and Mason walked down the stairs to the stage then walked out of the sanctuary.
“Shantel, you did wonderfully! Congratulations, Mason and Shantel!” Clarinda smiled.
“Thanks, Clarinda,” Shantel smiled happily. Mason and Shantel looked at each other happily.
“The reception will be in about fifteen minutes, so we need all the bridesmaids, groomsmen, flower girl, ring bearer, and all of the siblings and parents for pictures. This’ll be one large group!” Mason laughed.
“Yes,” Shantel looked at Mason. “Clarinda, please tell our siblings and parents and Mason’s siblings and parents to go back on stage for wedding pictures.”
“Surely,” Clarinda walked away.
“Shantel, let’s wait for everyone else for the pictures.” Mason smiled at his newly wedded bride.
Soon everyone was up on stage for pictures.
“Mr. and Mrs. Mason Lund, please be in the center,” the photographer said.
Everyone posed. Mason and Shantel were in the center, the parents were on either side, the bridesmaids were each holding a little one in a line, the groomsmen were in a line, and Josie and Isaac were holding hands in the front. It was a beautiful wedding picture. Everyone went to the fellowship hall for the reception. It was time to open wedding gifts. There were so many people there! Shantel opened all of them. They got:
A gift card to Target
A gift card to the Mall
A Kitchenade ® mixer from Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Guildman
A grill from the Guildman boys
A candle from the
A gift card to Wal-Mart
An oven from Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Guildman and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lund
A bouquet of flowers from Sadie and Kenzie
A woodcarving of a rose from Luke and Daniel
A toaster from Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lund
A heart locket for Shantel from the Guildman girls
And much, much more
“Thank you so much for all of the lovely gifts!” Shantel smiled happily.
“Yes,” Mason walked over to his siblings and parents and gave each sixteen of them a hug. Shantel did the same. After the reception, Shantel and Mason left to their honeymoon, to the
Life with out Shantel
“Mommy, I miss Shantel living with us!” Evelyn cried.
“She got married, so now she doesn’t. Aren’t you glad that she lives right next to us?” Mrs. Guildman tried not to show she was a little sad, too.
“Yes! Mommy, can Trixie, Pixie, and I go and visit Shantel and Mason?” asked Evelyn.
“Yes, honey, when we’re done with lunch. I think all of us should go.”
“Thank you, Mommy!” Evelyn skipped away.
Clarinda, Kathryn, and Elizabeth were rocking on their rocking chairs. They were thinking and talking about Shantel as well.
“Don’t you miss Shantel?” asked Kathryn.
“Yes, but I’m glad she’s happy with Mason,” Clarinda answered.
“Me, too,” smiled Elizabeth.
“She was so sweet and still is. She brightened up our home. Not to make anyone else feel bad.” Kathryn looked up.
“That’s fine, Kathryn, that’s how I feel, too.” Clarinda nodded.
Trixie and Pixie were playing dolls all alone.
“Trixie, don’t you miss when Shantel played with us?” asked Pixie.
“Yeah. It’s mean of her not to. She’s too busy with Mason.” Trixie answered sourly.
“Trixie Guildman! We don’t talk like that about her. She’s a very lovely big sister, and now she’s married. Don’t say that!” Pixie was surprised at Trixie who was usually sweet.
“Oh, I guess I shouldn’t. I bet I’d be like that if I got married.” Trixie sighed.
Daniel was woodcarving without his big sister helping him. He kept sighing and wishing she’d come back. Luke was quiet, too. He was missing Shantel as well.
“What, Mason?”
“Do you miss
“Of course! Why would you ask that?” asked
“I don’t know. Well, I miss her.” Matthew Jr.looked at the floor. “I want to go visit her this afternoon.”
“I think I heard Evelyn asking Mom if we can later.”
Jacob was in his room reading. He was used to Shantel coming in and asking him if he wanted to go outside. Now it wasn’t like that.
Sadie was knitting a stocking cap for Amanda Lynn. She was thinking about Shantel, too.
“Naomi,” Isaac called.
“What, Isaac?”
“Where’s Shantel?” he asked.
“She got married to Mason, remember?” said Naomi.
“Why did she get married to Mason?” Isaac asked sadly. He didn’t wait for an answer and walked away.
Anna Beth was holding Amanda Lynn.
“Mandy, I miss Shantel,” Anna Beth was close to tears.
“Ga,” answered Amanda Lynn.
Anna Beth was crying by now. She decided she was going to Shantel and Mason’s house and pay them a visit. She put on her sandals and walked to their place.
“Hello?” Anna Beth knocked on the door. Shantel opened it. Anna Beth ran in and hugged her. “Hi, Shantel! Oh, everyone misses you so much!”
“and I miss you. Are Mom and Amanda Lynn doing okay?” smiled Shantel.
Anna Beth smiled.
“They’re doing wonderful.”
“Hello, Anna Beth!” smiled Mason. He walked over to Shantel and put his arm around her.
“Hi, Mason. How are you two doing?” Anna Beth was trying to hold back tears.
“We are doing great, Anna Beth. How is your family?” Mason asked.
“They’re doing fine. They’re all missing Shantel, though.” Anna Beth replied. She asked,
“May I sit down?” asked Anna Beth. “Oh, where are my manners?”
“Of course, you may, sis.” Shantel laughed.
“Shantel doesn’t act the same anymore,” Anna Beth was thinking.
Shantel and Mason sat down with her.
“Would you like some cookies, Bethy?” asked Shantel, calling Anna Beth by her nickname. She was trying to make her feel better since she knew Anna Beth was sad.
“Sure, thank you.”
“So, Anna Beth, how is your baby sister?” asked Mason.
“She’s doing fine.” Anna Beth laughed. “I think she misses Shantel, too!”
“Well, I’d better go now. Thank you for the cookies!” Anna Beth was barely sad anymore.
“You have a nice sister, Shantel, dear.”
“I know.” Shantel walked over to Mason and hugged him.
Exciting News
It was one year later in the Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Guildman home, and in the Mr. and Mrs. Mason Lund home, and Mason and Shantel were done celebrating their one year wedding anniversary.
“Well, Shantel, it’s been a year.’’ Mason smiled.
“Yes.” Shantel said. “I think we should be missionaries after the baby is born.”
“Speaking of the baby, we should announce it. And yes, we should be missionaries. I was thinking we could work in
“Yes, we should announce it since the baby is one month along. Let’s invite your family and mine over for dinner. Do you think we have enough room?” Shantel had an idea.
“Yes. We have all upstairs, here, and in the basement. I’ll call my parents, you call yours.” Mason dialed his parents’ phone number. “Hello? Yes, this is Mason. Shantel and I were wondering if you would come over for dinner. Yes, tonight. What about at
“Hello, is this Clarinda? Hi Clarinda! May I speak to Mom? Thank you. Hi, Mom. Yes, we are doing fine. Mason and I were wondering if you would like to come over for dinner tonight. Does
Meanwhile, at
“Clarinda, please tell everyone that we need to go to Shantel’s. Please help Isaac, Naomi, and Evelyn get their shoes on. Oh, and please tell Kathryn to get Amanda, because we need to be there in fifteen minutes.” Mrs. Guildman told Clarinda.
“Sure, Mom.” Clarinda smiled. She told everyone and put the little ones’ shoes on and they all walked out the door.
“Hello?” called Clarinda.
“Welcome!” Shantel opened the door. “You all came! We are going to have a great time. Mason’s family is here already.”
“Hello, Shantel!” Naomi smiled. She jumped up in Shantel’s arms. Shantel laughed. Everyone walked in the door. Mason helped Isaac, Naomi, and Evelyn get their shoes off.
“Hello, everyone!” Mason said.
“What are we having for dinner, Shantel?” asked Louisa.
“We are having chicken, peas, and apples.” Shantel smiled.
“Sounds delicious!” Matthew Jr.beamed. He was happy to see his sister.
“When will it be ready?” asked Josie.
“In about thirty minutes. Until then,” Shantel looked at Mason. “We have some very important news to tell you.”
“What is it?” Evelyn bounded up and down.
“Well, I am going to have twins,” uttered Shantel.
“So we will all be aunts and uncles?” inquired Pixie. Shantel and Mason smiled.
“Yes, you will!” Mason laughed.
“Are they boys or girls?” asked Kenzie.
“What will their names be?” wondered Clarinda.
“Are they going to be born soon?” Mrs. Lund wondered excitedly.
“Mom and Dad will be grandparents!”
Mr. and Mrs. Guildman looked at each other and smiled.
“So, Shantel, when is the due date?” questioned Mrs. Guildman.
“Well, now it is
“We’re considering Matthew Henry for a boy, but we’re not sure.”
“What will you name them?” asked Mr. Guildman.
“Yes, darling, tell us.” Mrs. Lund bubbled.
“We haven’t decided.” Shantel smiled. “We’ll have to wait and see what it is, and we’ll want to see what they look like. We are, though, considering Matthew Henry for a boy.”
“Well, Shantel and Mason, let us know how you are feeling and if you could use any help.” Kathryn smiled at Shantel.
“Thanks, Kathryn.” Shantel grinned. “I think the dinner is ready now. Since our dining room table pretty small, let’s have Josie, Evelyn, Naomi, Isaac, Emily, Trixie, and Pixie sit there. Does that sound okay?”
“Yes!” exclaimed Josie.
“Surely.” Trixie replied.
“Of course!” Pixie smiled. “Anywhere Trixie goes, I go,”
“Why not?” Evelyn laughed.
“And what about everyone else goes in the living room, maybe also upstairs. This is kind of strange, me being the one always telling people what to do,” Shantel replied. She wasn’t used to telling people what to do.
“That’s fine, dear,” Mrs. Guildman beamed. “I’m not used to it, either.”
Everyone sat down.
“Dear Lord, thank you for bringing this large family together. Thank you for everything You’ve blessed us with. Thank you that so far our baby is fine. Please bless this food to our bodies, Amen.” Mason prayed.
“Amen,” Mr. Guildman and Mr. Lund repeated.
“Let’s eat!” declared Mason. Everybody ate, then they had apple pie for dessert.
“Shantel, Elizabeth and I will help you with the dishes.” Clarinda told her younger sister.
“Thanks, Clarinda,” Shantel smiled.
“That’s a marvelous idea, Clarinda,” so Elizabeth, Shantel, and Clarinda did dishes.
“Do you and Mason have a dishwasher?” asked
“No. We figured we’ll get along without one until we have two or three children. Even having this baby won’t mean much dishes, and I got lots of practice washing dishes with our large family,” Shantel laughed.
“Yeah, good point.” Clarinda agreed. The three sisters kept washing dishes until they were done. After they did that, it was time for everyone to leave.
“Good-bye, Shantel, good-bye, Mason,” articulated Mrs. Guildman.
“Good-bye!” everybody happened to say those words at once.
“Thanks for coming!” Shantel hugged her dad. After everyone was gone:
“We should actually think about names, you know.” Mason laughed. “Seriously,”
“Yes, we might as well. I was thinking Matthew Henry maybe for a boy, but if you liked something else that’s okay, too, Mason,” Shantel replied.
“Well, I like Matthew Henry, but I was thinking more Mason James.” Mason kept on.
“That sounds nice! Let’s pick out one more. What about Justin Matthew.” Shantel announced her idea.
“Okay. Let’s go with those two for a boy. And for a girl maybe Grace Nicole,” Mason was already thinking it was sort of silly talking about names like this.
“That sounds great. Maybe also for a girl Ella Faith.” Shantel replied dreamily.
“Sure. You know, this is sort of silly, Shantel.” Mason shook with laughter. “We could always wait until they’re born.”
“Yes, that’s what I was thinking, too, when you told me we should talk about names. Let’s just wait, sweetie.” Shantel hugged him.
Family Party
“Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Sadie, happy Birthday to you!” sang the Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Guildman family, Mr. and Mrs. Mason Lund family, and the Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lund family. It was quite a song!
“Thank you so much!” Sadie cried. “It was beautiful,”
“Are you ready to open your gifts, sweetheart?” Mr. Guildman asked Sadie.
“Yes, thank you, Dad!” Sadie opened the one from Mason and Shantel.
“Oh, you guys, you didn’t have to!” Sadie exclaimed in surprise. Mason and Shantel laughed. Sadie got a brand new pair of jeans and a shirt with a butterfly and a heart necklace that had a picture of Shantel and Sadie together in it.
“Thank you so much!” Sadie hugged Shantel and then hugged Mason.
“We knew you’d like it.” Shantel hugged Sadie back.
“I do. Okay, who is this one from?” Sadie opened the card and found it was from her parents and family. It was a camera!
“Oh, you guys, this is so nice!” she opened the box at once and took a picture of Shantel and Mason. Next she opened it and found it was from Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lund and family.
“This is nice!” Sadie found that it was her favorite book, Black Beauty. “I’ve always wanted this book, and I’ve only rented it from the library. It is so nice.”
“That’s the least we could do, sweetums,” Mrs. Greta Lund bubbled.
They continued Sadie’s party and then everyone went their separate ways.
“That was so much fun, Mom, I’m going to start writing ‘thank you’ notes right away!” Sadie smiled.
“I’m glad it was fun, Sadie.” Mom replied.
“Mom, I’ll get the younger children in the car,” Clarinda called.
“Sounds good, dear.” Mom called from the other room. Clarinda got all of the children in the car. They were going down the highway listening to the Wissmanns’ CD. They loved the Wissmann’s music.
“Pixie, did you bring your purse?” Trixie asked Pixie.
“Yes, I told you myself I would,” Pixie replied. Everyone was silent most of the time. All of a sudden they swerved to the right of them. Then they swerved to the left of them. The van rolled down to the ditch. Everyone was screaming except for the baby, who was laughing. Finally, the van stopped rolling.
“Yes, I think..”
It wasn’t long before everyone heard a siren.
“Mom, is Trixie gonna die?” asked Pixie.
“Pixie, don’t say that,”
“Ma’am, we’ll take your little girl into the ambulance, and we’ll call the hospital to send a vehicle to bring you to the hospital. What’s your name, Ma’am?” asked the chief.
“Rachel Guildman. Patient’s name is Trixie Guildman. Related by me being her mother.”
“Okay, ma’am,” they took Trixie and put her in the back of the ambulance. Pixie hid her eyes in Clarinda’s shoulder. It was a few moments before a large vehicle came. All of the children and Mrs. Guildman got in.
“Mom, I am so worried that….” Matthew Jr.started.
“Mason,” Mrs. Guildman gave him a warning not to scare the other children. Everyone was silent the whole way there, and they only sound they heard was sniffing. They finally got to the hospital…..
“Ma’am,” they went up to the receptionists desk.
“How may I help you?” asked the receptionist.
“My seven year old daughter is here. Her name is Trixie Guildman. My name is Rachel Guildman. She was hurt just about an hour ago, and I was wondering if I could see her,” Mrs. Guildman explained.
“Well, Mrs. Guildman, go to the waiting room, I’ll page the nurse and tell her to come get you to see your daughter.” The receptionist smiled.
“Have a great day.” they all walked away to the waiting room. They waited, and waited.
“Rachel Guildman, you may see your daughter Trixie Guildman.” A nurse came out.
“Thank you, ma’am.” Mrs. Guildman followed the nurse into the corridor. “How
bad is she hurt?”
“Just wait, ma’am,” the nurse said. They walked into the room.
“Oh, Trixie, my darling,” Mrs. Guildman walked over to Trixie’s hospital bed. Trixie was in a coma.
“Ma’am, she’s not doing well,” the doctor exclaimed slowly.
“What’s your name?” asked Rachel Guildman.
“Dr. Justin Fry, MD.” Dr. Fry told her.
“Well, Dr. Fry, is she going to, you know,” Mrs. Guildman was afraid to say ‘die’
“We’re not sure, but it’s a possibility. She got a fracture to her skull. The nurses think her brain is bleeding, but how do we know?” Dr. Fry stated. That only made Mrs. Guildman cry more.
“We’re very sorry, ma’am. We’ll try to do everything that we can to get her better, but I don’t make any promises,” Dr. Fry told her.
“I’ll leave. I’ll come back in an hour and see how she is,” Mrs. Guildman sniffed. The doctor didn’t want to say she might not even be alive in an hour, so he bit his lip.
“All right, ma’am.” Dr. Fry nodded. Mrs. Guildman left the hospital room very worried for Trixie. When she got back to the waiting room…..
“Mama, how was Trixie? How was she?” Pixie wondered.
“Pixie, she may not make it another hour,” Mrs. Guildman broke.
“No! No! I won’t be able to live either,” Pixie screamed.
“Children, Trixie fractured her skull and she may have brain bleed,” Mrs. Guildman uttered. She heard gasps from all of the children.
“Oh, Mom, what are we going to tell Dad and Shantel and Mason?” asked Clarinda.
“We’ll tell them the exact truth.” Mrs. Guildman said firmly. “
“Yes, Mom,”
“Alright, children, let’s all go to see Trixie.” Mrs. Guildman and the children walked down the hall to Trixie’s hospital room. Mrs. Guildman hesitated before they went in.
“Dr. Fry, may we come in? I have sixteen children with me.” Mrs. Guildman asked.
“Yes, you may,” Dr. Fry was surprised at all the children. They all walked in.
“No!” Mrs. Guildman looked at Trixie. She wasn’t breathing.
“Oh, Mom, I’ll die!” cried Pixie.
“Is Trixie…” started Mason.
“Yes.” Dr. Fry looked down at his feet. “She had a brain bleed.”
“Oh, Mom! We lost another sister.”
“Another sister of yours died too?” asked Dr. Fry.
“No, she got married,” Pixie exclaimed sourly. Pixie walked over to Trixie and kissed her dead sister.
“Were you two twins?” asked Dr. Fry.
“Yes. Now I should die too if Trixie’s not here. My name is Pixie,” Pixie was crying.
“Well, Pixie, I don’t think having you die would help anything.” Dr. Fry looked sad as well.
“We’ll leave.” Mrs. Guildman left. They planned a funeral for two days later. They told Shantel, Mason, and Dad also. They were very sad at Trixie’s passing, as you might guess.
“Trixie is in heaven, her real home in the first place.” Mr. Guildman told everyone.
Two more Lund Babies
“Mason darling, start the car and hurry!” Shantel called to Mason frantically.
“What happened, Shantel?” asked Mason.
“I’m in labor as you should know! NOW START THE CAR!” Shantel was frustrated.
“I’m going,” Mason started the car and ran back in to carry Shantel to the car. They drove to the hospital. They both got out and ran inside. They soon were in the hospital bed. Soon after that their two girls were born.
“Coochie, coochie, coo!” the nurse tickled the little girls’ neck about an hour after she was born.
“Mason dear, what should we name them?” Shantel asked Mason.
“Well, what about Ella Faith for one and Anna May for the other.” Mason suggested. Shantel hesitated.
“I like Alaythia May for ‘Ella’ and Gracie Faith for the other,” Shantel didn’t agree.
“I like that! It’s settled then,” Mason finally agreed.
“I’m going to call my parents. I’ll call everyone we want to tell.” Shantel said excitedly. She dialed her parents’ number first. “Yes? This is Shantel. Yes, we’re okay.” Shantel looked at Mason and smiled. “We had our twins, so we’re more than okay! They are two girls. Yes. Alaythia May and Gracie Faith. Yes, of course you may come see your first grandchildren. Okay, love you, Mom.” Shantel hung up. “Mom is so excited, Mason.” She laughed.
“Well, imagine my mom!” Mason laughed, too. Shantel dialed his parents’ phone number.
“Yes? This is Shantel. Mason and I are fine! Especially since we had the twins. (laughs) Yes, we did! Their names are Alaythia May and Gracie Faith. Yes, they are identical. What about come in about two hours or so, since my parents and siblings are coming. The girls need their rest. Thanks! Bye-bye, Greta,” Shantel smiled. “Talk about excited.” Shantel finished the phone calls and soon their room was filling with her family.
“Hello, Shantel! Where are the babies?” asked Mrs. Guildman. “How are you doing, deary? Was there a problem with the twins?”
“I’m fine, Mom. No, there was no trouble at all! Here are the girls. Would you like to hold one?” Shantel gave Gracie to Mrs. Guildman.
“Oh, so precious!”
“Darling!” Kathryn looked at Alaythia.
“So sweet!”
“Amanda Lynn, you are an aunt!” Sadie exclaimed.
“Wee!” Amanda Lynn was almost two years by now. “Aunt?” Pixie was silent. She was still getting over the loss of Trixie. She was smiling a tiny bit, though.
“Guildmans, we’d better let Shantel and the twins rest. Let’s go,” Mr. Guildman exclaimed. “You have two precious babies, Shantel.”
“Thanks, Dad.” Shantel smiled. After they left, Shantel fed them again. She was tired, so she and the twins took a nap before the Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Lund family came. Mrs. Greta Lund was especially bubbling in.
“Oh, you two. You four!” she rushed over to Alaythia.
“Oh, they’re so sweet, Shantel!” exclaimed Louisa.
“Charming!” Danielle laughed.
“Beautiful!” Fran held Gracie. Shantel was smiling the whole time.
“Darling, aren’t they?” Mason asked.
“Of course, Coop! Why would you ask us that?” Mason’s brother Ryan smiled. Ryan still called him by his nickname. Mason hugged Shantel. Then he hugged his Mom. Then he hugged everyone. After the
“You may leave the hospital now, Mrs. Lund.” Dr. Jacob told Shantel.
“Thank you very much, Dr. Jacob, for everything!” Mason thanked the doctor.
“Yes, thank you.” Shantel looked down at her daughters and smiled. They already got two carseats from her parents, two cribs from Mason’s family, diapers from themselves, and many, many other things from Shantel’s baby shower a few months before.
“Mason, let’s go,” Shantel was anxious to get out of the hospital so she could feed Gracie then Alaythia.
“Yes, I’m coming.” So the somewhat small family walked into their new minivan. Shantel looked at Mason once they got in their.
“Well, we have two children,” Shantel smiled. Mason at the twins.
“Do twins run in your family, Shantel?” he asked jokingly. “Since Trixie and Pixie were, and
“I’m not sure,” she laughed. She was feeding Gracie, then she was going to feed Alaythia.
“The twins are so cute.” Mason said again.
Another Guildman Wedding
“Yes, dear, you do.” Mrs. Guildman smiled.
“Here is your veil,” Clarinda crowned the veil on
“Thanks, Clarinda, and thanks Shantel, for helping even though you have two little girls to take care of,”
“It’s no problem. Mason is watching the girls and I left bottles with him.” Shantel remarked. They were finally finished getting
The wedding ceremony finally finished, and the reception followed. You could tell
“Thank you so much!’’
“Thank you so much, everyone.” Justin beamed. Elizabeth and Justin left for their honeymoon to
“There goes another sister,” sighed Sadie.
“Yes. Happily ever after.” Kathryn smiled down at her sister.
The Mr. and Mrs. Mason Lund Home
It was two years later at the Mr. and Mrs. Mason Lund home.
“Thia, Gracie, come here!” Shantel called the twins to come to the supper table.
“Comin’ mama!” the two little girls skipped along to the table. They were chattering as usual. “What are we having?” asked Alaythia.
“We are having scrambled eggs, sausage, and toast,” Shantel explained.
“Yucky,” Gracie whispered, not wanting her mom to hear her talk rude.
“Excuse me, Graciey? You don’t talk like that to your mom.” Mason stated firmly.
“Sorry, mama,” Gracie was truly sorry. “I like scrambled eggs, sausage, and toast.”
“You don’t have to lie to me, sweetie. I forgive you.” Shantel giggled. By this time, Shantel was going to have another baby and she was in her sixth month, so she was kind of weary.
“Oh, Mom, when is our baby going to be born?” wondered Alaythia.
“Pretty soon, dear. I know it’s hard to wait.” Shantel smiled at her daughter.
“Mommy, I’m done eating,” Gracie declared.
“You may be excused.”
“Me, too, Daddy!” Alaythia repeated.
“You may leave, too. Mom and I are already done, so we’ll clean the table.” Mason exclaimed.
“Dear, how was work?” Shantel asked Mason how his doctoring job did.
“It was fine. Same as normal,” He said cheerfully.
“That’s good. The girls and I went into town to meet one of their little friends. We stayed there for about two hours. The girls had fun,” Shantel told him about her day.
“That’s good. Yes, work was the same as normal.” Mason cleared his plate.
“When this baby comes, I will be so busy…” Shantel’s voice trailed off.
“Well, maybe I could ask
“That sounds good.” Mason nodded. “You go take it easy, I’ll finish the kitchen and watch the girls.”
“Thanks, honey,” Shantel went up to relax.
“Girls, come clear your plates,” Mason called.
“Yes, Dad,” the girls came running back to clear your plates.
Shantel rested, and Mason played with the girls.
“Coochie, coochie, coo!” Alaythia tickled her new baby brothers’ cheek.
“Let Cooper rest, sweetie,” Shantel told Alaythia. Shantel had another baby. This time the baby was a boy named Cooper James. The baby was one week old.
“Mason, please come take Alaythia, she’s the main one bothering the baby.” Shantel called to the other room.
“I’m coming,” Mason took Alaythia’s hand and led her to the playroom.
“Mommy, I want to visit Uncle Isaac.” Gracie replied. She meant Isaac Guildman, Shantel’s little brother.
“Dear, I told you they are coming over to our house tonight!” Shantel turned to Gracie.
“Oh yeah. But Mommy, I want them to come NOW!”
“Gracie Faith, you march up to your room and park yourself in time out for five minutes.” Shantel stated firmly. Gracie obeyed.
“Good job obeying, sweetie. I’ll see you in five minutes.” Shantel was feeding Cooper. Gracie was back in five minutes.
“Did you think about what Mommy said?” asked Shantel.
“Yes, Mommy. I am very sorry,” Gracie’s lip came out.
“I forgive you. Now you go play with Daddy and Thia please.” Shantel told Gracie.
“Okay,” Gracie voyaged to the playroom.
“Hey, Cooper! How ya doing?” Shantel said serenely.
“Ummm.” Cooper was eating.
“Oh!” Shantel giggled.
Cooper was a good baby.
A Happy Ending
Reader, you’ll be pleased to know that everything turned out well for the three different families. Shantel and Cooper Lund had two more children named Cooper Jr. and Eliana. Elizabeth and Justin Delano had two children named Trixie (after
~Laney Solhjem
About the Author: Laney Solhjem
Laney Solhjem was born in
The Timothy Simmons Series
The Helen Jones Series
The Michelle Jefferson Series
The Mystery at the Pizza Party
The Mystery at the Ice Cream Shop
Hannah’s Christmas
Please email her at:
Or Call Her:
Home: (701) 645-2431
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~For his Glory Publications