
Five easy ways to help flood fight '09

Here are some ways to help the sand baggers and helping flood fight '09.
1. make sandwiches for workers
2. bring water bottles for them
3. bring any extra tools you have, like shovels and strong bags you think would hold sand
4. if you are physically able to, help sandbag
5. ultimately, PRAY
I hope this helps. My dad is out sand bagging and we are making sandwiches and chili.



Tomorrow we are leaving to go to the ND Homeschool Convention. It is in Jamestown. We can not wait! It's only going to be me, my sister, and my mom and dad. The boys are going with grandparents. Some friends of ours are going to be there! We will come back Saturday. It's going to be so much fun. We will be staying at a hotel for the trip. What are you going to be doing for the weekend? I know some of you readers are going to be watching the boys for us!



Before I start I want to ask.....did I spell miscellaneous right? I'm not sure.
Today I went to Innovis and had me checked out for the second time. Dr. Ostlie checked me out. BTW, if you ever need a doctor, go to him. He was a great doctor. Anyways, he said the X-rays from UrgentMed weren't that great, so I have another appt. on Monday at 8:45 in the morning! Which seems like not a big deal to those who live in town...:) He thinks I have a small break. :( Still in my sling. Sorry for any incomplete sentences!!

Well, you need to have other things put in your mind besides my problems!! :):):) I have been doing fine in school. We are already almost done with our science book! I like science. We are studying astronomy. Astronomy is fun. :) This sling is keeping me from riding horse, which bums me out! :(
A great website for any of you who likes dogs is: (you can click) By the way, since you are getting emailed this post, you can click on the blue underlined words that say A Girl's Daily Diary, just to let you know.
Also, we are going to the Homeschool Convention and we'll leave on Friday. We won't get back until Sunday night, though. BTW, if any of you like gum, go to Wal-Mart and get Trident gum, Tropical Twist. It think that's what it's called. That's what I'm chewing now in fact! If you want to comment do that thing I told you to do earlier.


The Accident...! (minor)

Hello everyone! How is your day? Here's a story:
I was riding my horse, Bud on Saturday. He decided to get 'barn sour' and took off at a run. I jumped off, which was dumb since I did know he was going straight to the barn! :) I fell on my elbow area. I thought it was fine so I went to church the next morning. Yesterday I went in to town and got it checked out at a clinic. They had an X-ray taken. All that happened was I got a sling with ace wrap.....here's a picture of how silly I look!


Sleepover Pics

Here are some pictures from my sleepover! More to come..... please enjoy!
